Passover! Part 1 “God’s Timeline and Slavery!”

Passover! Part 1 “God’s Timeline and Slavery!”

We must understand God’s calendar to not miss the fulfillment of God’s prophetic words. God does certain things during certain times, in cycles, for a purpose. And we are in the mess we’re in because we pay no attention to His times.

Instead of protecting the weak, we are murdering them in this country. We have a culture of death similar to Communist and Nazi regimes. We are in Egypt, enslaved. And the slave masters will never stop, they must be stopped.

The books of Exodus, and John are expanded upon.

What is Revival? Part 3 “The Real Deal!”

What is Revival? Part 3 “The Real Deal!”

What did the church look like when it was on fire? After the body received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, it was no longer about them but instead all about God, and politeness was thrown out the window. But the modern church has been infected with the disease of politeness. This is the same religious hypocrisy the Pharisees exhibited, that nullifies the word of God in favour of tradition. And if you’re not with Jesus and forwarding His kingdom, you’re fake, you’re not real.

Do you prefer the solid food of hard teaching, or do you prefer the milk? If you’re easily offended by the truth, then you are going to miss the boat. You must believe, you must obey, you must do it God’s way.

The books of Acts, Hebrews, Jeremiah, Matthew, John, 2 Timothy, and 1 Corinthians are featured.

What is Revival? Part 2 “Are you Revived?”

What is Revival? Part 2 “Are you Revived?”

There are so many people in churches that say to themselves, “There is nothing good in store for me”. But scripture promises otherwise. People must choose to get off this doubleminded fence.

God wants to revive us! He wants to give us a spring in the middle of the desert, living waters. He wants us better, stronger, more determined.

When you understand who He is and who you are, you become unstoppable, you become revived.

The fire of different seasons purify us. It is in the fire that God deals with our enemies. What the enemy meant for harm, God can use for good. And obedience provides a shield of protection. To be revived you must become humble.

The books of Psalms, Acts, Luke, Matthew, Daniel, Romans, John, and Revelation are used as references.

What is Revival? Part 1 “The Fire!”

What is Revival? Part 1 “The Fire!”

Revival, in the minds of the unregenerate, means their glory. We must be reminded that without the Holy Spirit, without the fire, pride can kill any real revival. People with their own desires will choose the lesser of two evil leaders, and end up missing what’s in front of them, the real King. That’s why we are currently in such an evil mess where Christ is mocked in the highest office in the land.

But _suddenlies_ will be unleashed! Things thought impossible will suddenly happen. And there is nothing the children of God have to be ashamed of.

There two types of fire, the fire of chastisement, and the fire of judgement. If you ignore the fire of the Holy Spirit to obey or to go, then you will receive the spanking. Revival starts with Him and can quickly end without Him.

We must stop only preaching to the choir, but bring it to those perishing. The furnace is getting hotter and hotter, and God is always testing His people. Judgement begins with the house of God, how much worse will it be for those without Him. When the fire shows up, then we regain our focus. God is willing, and when man is humble, good things start to happen.

The books of Acts, Matthew, Romans, 2 Peter, Ephesians, Luke, 1 Peter, Zechariah, 1 Samuel, Proverbs, Psalms, 1 Corinthians, and John are featured.

“Choice is a Gift!” Part 8 of “Is God Political?”

“Choice is a Gift!” Part 8 of “Is God Political?”

Pastor Art returns from the USA to continue his political series and give a message on the gift of being able to choose our leaders.

Politicians now are doing everything in their ungodly power to impoverish people. And this is because the church refuses to stand up and engage. But God will use his people. Maybe as bait, but for a purpose, to finish His enemies and then bless His people.

We have been given the power to choose our leaders, yet less than half even vote. And when people tell saints not to get involved in politics, they’re in fact saying “let evil win”. But with enough people standing up in the streets, with a hunger for God, we can win.

Where is the church? We have been doing nothing for a long time. Western churches have received so much, and with it they have perverted the word of God. Therefore they have lost their authority. Sooner or later every man will be judged.

The books of Luke, John, 2 Peter, Psalms, Zechariah, and Isaiah are referenced.

“The power that can save”

“The power that can save”

While Pastor Art continues his tour in the USA, our brother Deklan steps up to preach a scripture-filled convicting message. Are you hoping you’ll be called a good and faithful servant, or do you KNOW He’ll call you that? In scripture we can know the power of the form of godliness. And to be able to discern the voice of God, we must know His Word. Knowing the truth will prepare you for every lie. Knowing the Word of God is where faith begins. God is greatly displeased when we sit on the fence with the Word of God. God’s will is God’s Word. Speaking like an idiot and saying things contrary to the Word, means to call God a liar. And faith without obedience is dead.

Knowing the Word of God, believing the Word of God, not speaking against the Word of God, and obedience, are the keys to faith.

The books of 1 Corinthians, 2 Peter, Acts, Romans, John, Jeremiah, Hebrews, Matthew, Isaiah, 2 Timothy, James, Mark, Numbers, Proverbs, Luke, Ephesians, Galatians, and Genesis are quoted.

“Yet I dare…..”

“Yet I dare…..”

While Pastor Art is busy traveling, brother Ray steps up to give an edifying message about believing that God is good not only when things are going well with us, but also when nothing is going according to our will. We Christians regularly over complicate faith, resulting in lukewarmness and unbelief. We must instead be convinced that He can do absolutely more than we can imagine. Will you plant your faith when everything is hopeless?

We’re coming into more tests where we will be asked to bow down to things that are not God. We’re allowing evil to rule over us now, what comes next?

The books of Romans, Genesis, lamentations, and especially Daniel, are referenced.

“Who is your King?” Part 7 of “Is God Political?” 

“Who is your King?” Part 7 of “Is God Political?” 

After covering his time in Ontario, Pastor Art continues his political message series. Who has your allegiance? How many masters do you have? Jesus is not going to share a heart with the devil or demons. Cowards will always justify their unwillingness to preach the truth, and they willfully preach a watered down message to fatten their wallets. The hearts of westerners are given to Mammon, voting for whoever would promise them more. Choosing your King will cost you everything. And where would be the God pleasing faith if He immediately gave us everything? Truth divides from those who want to remain in the dark. You will have to cast your vote, God or the devil. Either you will be set free or you will be enslaved. This election has been on since man was given free will.

Reference is made to the books of Matthew, James, Luke, Ecclesiastes, 2 Timothy, Proverbs, Joshua, Psalms, 1 Chronicles, and 1 Samuel.

Ambassadors of Christ

Ambassadors of Christ

Nathaniel Pawlowski (Pastor Art’s oldest son) takes over for his Dad while he’s in Ontario. He expounds on the only identity Christians should have, not in anything of the world but in Jesus alone, we are His Ambassadors. And how we as ambassadors should conduct ourselves in a Godly manner. Cursing, pettiness, worldliness, gossip, unforgiveness, anger, bitterness, pride, arrogance, all plague the modern church. But the closer we are to God, the more we will reflect his character.
The Cave is called to a higher standard, because we are being continuously tested and refined. And this is so we are ready for when God exalts the real church, and so we are not destroyed as the unbelieving Israelites were after leaving Egypt.

The following books are referenced: 2 Timothy, Acts, Romans, Philippians, Isaiah, Matthew, Ephesians, 2 Corinthians, James, Proverbs, Colossians, Luke, 1 Thessalonians, 1 Peter, Galatians, Jude, and Genesis.

“The Least Expected Deliverers!” Is God Political? Part 6

“The Least Expected Deliverers!” Is God Political? Part 6

Pastor Art gets into who God chooses to deliver his people. Everyone wants to be the hero, but God makes heroes out of ordinary people who would stand up when no one else will. And when there is no man who stands up, then God raises up a woman.

Now is the time for the church to go after the villains, and cursed are the people who do not help the Lord against the wicked. There will not be peace in the land until people obey God’s commands.

The books of 1 Samuel, Exodus, Isaiah, Psalms, Judges, and Daniel are referenced.

“Choices have Consequences!”, Is God Political? Part 5

“Choices have Consequences!”, Is God Political? Part 5

Pastor Art details the consequences of choosing evil leaders who promise you whatever you want, and how you’re just a dollar sign to them. Going into how western civilization has basically fallen, he reminds us that only God can truly pull us out of this mess. Not getting into bed with idolaters and making deals with evil people, is what God asks for. When people are lacking Godly leadership, they are given over to raiders and lose the blessings from God. But God raises deliverers when the people humble themselves and pray to God.

Verses from the books of Galatians, Proverbs, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Judges, Matthew, Revelation, Psalms, 1 & 2 Chronicles, James, and 2 Peter are used.

“Who does not want Christians in Politics?” Is God Political? Part 4

“Who does not want Christians in Politics?” Is God Political? Part 4

After briefly recounting his time in Washington DC. Pastor Art continues his teaching on whether or not God wants the church in the political realm. In this part, he expounds on the type of people and institutions who would not like to see the church in politics. Religious people, corrupted people, state propaganda machinery (fake news), educational system, corrupted Justice system, law enforcement agencies, healthcare system, entertainment, and finances are all politically controlled.

The books of Ephesians, Matthew, Genesis, Isaiah, Romans, 1 Peter, and James are touched upon.