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After covering his time in Ontario, Pastor Art continues his political message series. Who has your allegiance? How many masters do you have? Jesus is not going to share a heart with the devil or demons. Cowards will always justify their unwillingness to preach the truth, and they willfully preach a watered down message to fatten their wallets. The hearts of westerners are given to Mammon, voting for whoever would promise them more. Choosing your King will cost you everything. And where would be the God pleasing faith if He immediately gave us everything? Truth divides from those who want to remain in the dark. You will have to cast your vote, God or the devil. Either you will be set free or you will be enslaved. This election has been on since man was given free will. Reference is made to the books of Matthew, James, Luke, Ecclesiastes, 2 Timothy, Proverbs, Joshua, Psalms, 1 Chronicles, and 1 Samuel.
Preacher Artur Pawlowski
Pastor Artur Pawlowski is a steadfast leader who wholeheartedly follows The Way, inspiring the body of believers to obey and imitate Jesus. With unwavering faith and intimate comprehension of Christ’s teachings, Pastor Artur fearlessly shepherds us on a journey of active obedience and compassionate service.