What is Revival? Part 3 “The Real Deal!”

What is Revival? Part 3 “The Real Deal!”

What did the church look like when it was on fire? After the body received the Holy Spirit at Pentecost, it was no longer about them but instead all about God, and politeness was thrown out the window. But the modern church has been infected with the disease of politeness. This is the same religious hypocrisy the Pharisees exhibited, that nullifies the word of God in favour of tradition. And if you’re not with Jesus and forwarding His kingdom, you’re fake, you’re not real.

Do you prefer the solid food of hard teaching, or do you prefer the milk? If you’re easily offended by the truth, then you are going to miss the boat. You must believe, you must obey, you must do it God’s way.

The books of Acts, Hebrews, Jeremiah, Matthew, John, 2 Timothy, and 1 Corinthians are featured.

What is Revival? Part 2 “Are you Revived?”

What is Revival? Part 2 “Are you Revived?”

There are so many people in churches that say to themselves, “There is nothing good in store for me”. But scripture promises otherwise. People must choose to get off this doubleminded fence.

God wants to revive us! He wants to give us a spring in the middle of the desert, living waters. He wants us better, stronger, more determined.

When you understand who He is and who you are, you become unstoppable, you become revived.

The fire of different seasons purify us. It is in the fire that God deals with our enemies. What the enemy meant for harm, God can use for good. And obedience provides a shield of protection. To be revived you must become humble.

The books of Psalms, Acts, Luke, Matthew, Daniel, Romans, John, and Revelation are used as references.

What is Revival? Part 1 “The Fire!”

What is Revival? Part 1 “The Fire!”

Revival, in the minds of the unregenerate, means their glory. We must be reminded that without the Holy Spirit, without the fire, pride can kill any real revival. People with their own desires will choose the lesser of two evil leaders, and end up missing what’s in front of them, the real King. That’s why we are currently in such an evil mess where Christ is mocked in the highest office in the land.

But _suddenlies_ will be unleashed! Things thought impossible will suddenly happen. And there is nothing the children of God have to be ashamed of.

There two types of fire, the fire of chastisement, and the fire of judgement. If you ignore the fire of the Holy Spirit to obey or to go, then you will receive the spanking. Revival starts with Him and can quickly end without Him.

We must stop only preaching to the choir, but bring it to those perishing. The furnace is getting hotter and hotter, and God is always testing His people. Judgement begins with the house of God, how much worse will it be for those without Him. When the fire shows up, then we regain our focus. God is willing, and when man is humble, good things start to happen.

The books of Acts, Matthew, Romans, 2 Peter, Ephesians, Luke, 1 Peter, Zechariah, 1 Samuel, Proverbs, Psalms, 1 Corinthians, and John are featured.