“The power that can save”

“The power that can save”

While Pastor Art continues his tour in the USA, our brother Deklan steps up to preach a scripture-filled convicting message. Are you hoping you’ll be called a good and faithful servant, or do you KNOW He’ll call you that? In scripture we can know the power of the form of godliness. And to be able to discern the voice of God, we must know His Word. Knowing the truth will prepare you for every lie. Knowing the Word of God is where faith begins. God is greatly displeased when we sit on the fence with the Word of God. God’s will is God’s Word. Speaking like an idiot and saying things contrary to the Word, means to call God a liar. And faith without obedience is dead.

Knowing the Word of God, believing the Word of God, not speaking against the Word of God, and obedience, are the keys to faith.

The books of 1 Corinthians, 2 Peter, Acts, Romans, John, Jeremiah, Hebrews, Matthew, Isaiah, 2 Timothy, James, Mark, Numbers, Proverbs, Luke, Ephesians, Galatians, and Genesis are quoted.