Is God Political? Part 3 “Barabbas or Jesus? The Ultimate Question!”

Is God Political? Part 3 “Barabbas or Jesus? The Ultimate Question!”

Pastor Art tears into the compromising church and reminds us that God has the final say, and not Satan. He admonishes us to not look at appearances, and instead discern through the written word, so we’re not caught off guard by the enemy nor miss the next move of God. He reminds us not to be unequally yoked, especially in the political realm, as most churches are. And makes the connection between modern day elections and the Jews electing Barabbas over Jesus.

He touches upon the books of Proverbs, Jeremiah, 1 Samuel, 2 Corinthians, Psalms, James, John, Deuteronomy, and Matthew.

Is God Political? Part 2 “The Fight for the Public Square!”

Is God Political? Part 2 “The Fight for the Public Square!”

Pastor Art continues his teaching on God being political. He makes the point that electing people who are anointed by God is the key to change. And that it was God who invented politics and law and order, appointing and electing judges as He sovereignly chooses, because He is a politician. If the church had chosen the things of God, then there would be righteousness in the land. If the Christians refuse to run, then with who are we going to replace the ungodly ones in power with? We are to assume the role of representative for his kingdom.

Pr. Art touches upon the books of James, Exodus, Revelation, Isaiah, Psalms, Proverbs, Micah, Malachi.

Is God Political? Part 1 – “What is Politics?”

Is God Political? Part 1 – “What is Politics?”

In Pastor Art’s first sermon of the new year he poses the question, “Who do you want to forward ideas? The church, or the devil?” And makes the case that if the church does not want to understand the importance of being politically involved, then we will be destroyed. He touches upon the books of Isaiah, Daniel, Deuteronomy, Proverbs, and 1 Chronicles.

Faith Now

Faith Now

Brother Ray gives an emergency message to the congregation. Have faith, now. He elaborates what faith is and gives biblical and personal examples of faith in action. Birth pains are here and will increase! But thanks be to God He’s coming soon.